This week at People First Keighley and Craven…

✧ We have been celebrating the first week of Pride Month! As well as getting lovely badges for all our staff, our members have been doing work around it every day of the week. This has included group discussions about why Pride month is important and why we as an advocacy organisation should talk about it; reading through all together the books Stonewall: A Building. An Uprising. A Revolution by Rob Sanders and Tales from the Rainbow by Pete Jordi Wood; as well as playing a few games of the Loud and Proud card game! More pride celebrations will continue throughout the month so stay tuned!

✧ Starting on Monday, members of the People First Podcast team have been doing a lot of recording for a new episode! Following on from a Plant-Based Week we had earlier this year, the team had the idea to do an episode all about doing taste tests of different food with their vegan counterparts, and seeing if anyone could tell the difference! We have all had a lot of fun doing that this week (including a taste test with everyone in the office on Friday!) so the Podcast Team can’t wait to share more about the episode in the future.

✧ On Tuesday afternoon we all listened to a presentation from our volunteer Nadia about supporting our members to write their life stories! We have seen some amazing and interesting talks already from our members and we can’t wait to hear more of them!

✧ On Wednesday, members Sarah B, Martin and Tom along with Catrina went to the University of Bradford to give a presentation to medical students about supporting people with learning disabilities and autism! Each member got to highlight different ways of communicating that they work on a lot in our office – such as Easy Read text, Makaton and Talking Mats! We are proud of all of them for giving such a good presentation and we hope we can work more at Bradford University in the future.

Image shows 6 people standing in front of a wooden building with lots of glass windows. There is a sign above the windows saying "University of Bradford. Horton Building A Wing. Faculty of Health Studies." Two of the people are in wheelchairs. They are all looking at the camera, smiling, and posing for a photo.

✧ And to finish off the week, on Friday we celebrated Volunteer Appreciation Week by making lots of lovely cards for all our amazing volunteers! Everyone got very creative with drawing, decorating and writing on them. Each of our volunteers, whether they volunteer in our office, on our social nights or have supported our learning holidays, are an incredible part of our organisation and we can’t thank them enough for all their support to help our staff and members.